Welcome to Rensselaer County's web page/portal for employee/retiree benefit information. You will be able to access information on the health, dental, and vision benefits available, as well as enrollment forms and benefit summaries for the various plans that are offered.
New Health Benefit Advisor Memorandum - PDF download
Flex Spending Overview and Changes -PDF download
For information about the new Aetna Medicare Plan for Retirees - Click here. (Updated: 05/16/2024)
For COVID-19 Information Updates - Click here.
Retirees - Click here.
Active employees considering retirement - Click here for PDF download.
If you are an active employee hired prior to 9/28/2006 - Click here.
If you are active employee hired prior to 1/1/2018 and after 9/28/2006 or Council 82 - Click here.
If you are an active employee hired on or after 1/1/2018 - Click here.
Benefits Enrollment Application -PDF download.